About Us
'The SOOTS', which stands for ‘The Secret Order of The Streets’ is an Independent British fashion label that not only creates Exclusive 100% Limited Edition garments of high quality, but established to help make a statement and raise social, moral, political and ethical awareness as well as to raise a voice for the streets.
Our brand is based upon our beliefs in world peace, charity, ethics, morality, third world rights as well as opposition to forces of power within society, be it in government, large monopoly companies or through the media systems. As part of our belief system and code of conduct, we have a huge obsession within our brand with current affairs, history, war, conspiracy theories, secret societies, religion and culture. All of our products, as well as their designs are hugely influenced by some or all of these themes.
We are based in London, UK and all of our products are sourced and then put together here by humans and NOT robots, giving you a product to be proud of.
All of our products are also EXCLUSIVE and hand produced in limited quantities, so once they're gone, THEY'RE GONE! All of our clothing are sourced in England and whats more.. 10% of all PROFITS from sales go to Third World Charities.